Monday, March 25, 2024
Links for "Computation in Cellular Automata" lecture
Conway's Game of Life
Game of Life Demo
Game of Life Applet
3-D Game of Life
Recursive Universe of Game of Life
Game of Life Reveals Long-Sought Repeating Patterns
Turing Machine Implemented in Game of Life
Rule 110
Rule 110 and Universal Computation
Computation Theory of Cellular Automata
A Computational Mechanics Reading List by Cosma Shalizi
Game of Life Demo
Game of Life Applet
3-D Game of Life
Recursive Universe of Game of Life
Game of Life Reveals Long-Sought Repeating Patterns
Rule 110 and Universal Computation
Computation Theory of Cellular Automata
A Computational Mechanics Reading List by Cosma Shalizi
Labels: #cellularAutomata, #Computation, #DensityTask, #emergentComputation, #GameofLife, #UniversalComputation, Class Links